Swept up by enthusiasm, Phillips supporters give the neighborhood an instant makeover
Trash collected from Lake Street is put where it belongs!
Blessed by some glorious fall weather, a record-setting crowd descended on the Phillips neighborhood on Saturday for this year’s Clean Sweep. Armed with litter “claws,” green t-shirts, and trademark yellow bags, more than 500 people moved briskly through the neighborhood just ahead of a stiff breeze, picking up an estimated 26,860 pounds of trash and 243 tires over the course of the morning. Guided by the able and experienced folks at Philips Weed and Seed and supported by a host of sponsors, the affair went off without a hitch.
The 14th Avenue Block Club, which also does its own trash pickup four times per year, had a crew of 18 people on hand.
As always, this year’s volunteers came from all walks, and included families, block clubs, church and school groups, elected officials, and representatives from area businesses. Many new faces joined the effort, such as the crew from the National Children’s Theater, which relocated its national office and rehearsal space to 2733 Park Avenue in July. Thanks to the strong leadership by Little Earth resident and activist Kelly Morgan, the Little Earth Community and other partner Indian organizations also had a strong presence at this year’s Clean Sweep, with many first-time participants. Among the many other groups represented were:
Young people from the Holy Rosary Youth Group worked along Bloomington Avenue.
- 20 young people from the Holy Rosary Youth Group, led by Mike and Maricela Dale. More than 60 youth and parents from the Latino Baseball League and other Latino neighbors, led by Rosie and Alfonso Cruz.
- Over 60 Bethlehem Baptist parishioners and Northwestern College students.
- More than 40 exchange students from Germany through the Waite House. Jana Metge reports that on last year’s evaluation, many students listed the Phillips Clean Sweep as their favorite activity during their exchange.
- Representatives from 26 block clubs.
- 2 crews from the Hennepin County Juvenile Sentence to Service
Bolstered by donuts, Ward Eames, Nate Metcalf, Bill Turner, Krista Turner, and Margaret Eames of the National Theater for Children gear up to collect trash.
As with any undertaking of this size, deep thanks are due to the countless people and organizations who donated time and money to making the Clean Sweep a success. An all-volunteer committee of 20 people met began meeting weekly in August to plan the event. Led by coordinator Jana Metge, they included Joyce Krook of Abbott Northwestern Hospital; Joyce Wisdom of the Lake Street Council; Kelly Morgan of the Little Earth Community; Midtown residents Shirley Heyer, Donna Neste, and Ben Pipe; East Phillips residents Brad Pass and Harvey Winje; Phillips West resident Muriel Simmons; Carol Pass of EPIC; Susan Young, Director of Solid Waste and Recycling for Minneapolis; and Bob Hunter of Hennepin County’s Sentence to Serve.
Phillips Partnership chair Peter McLaughlin with one of the event’s organizers, Joyce Wisdom of the Lake Street Council.
Financial supporters included:
Phillips Weed & Seed
Phillips Partnership
Phillips Energy Co-op
Phillips West Neighborhood Organization
Wellington Management
Maria's Cafe
Little Earth Housing Corporation
LaSalle Management
Project for Pride in Living
HN Co. American Indian Families Project
Nayawee Center School
Steps to a Healthier MN
Women of Nations
Lake Street Council
Hi-Lake Business Association
Chicago/Lake Business Association
Mr. Olive Lutheran Church
Ventura Village Neighborhood
In-kind donations were provided by:
City of Minneapolis/Solid Waste & Recycling
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Hennepin County Sentence to Service
More Valu Foods
Chicago-Lake Liquor
Green Institute
Corrie Dougherty
Pillsbury United/Waite House
Kaplan Brothers
American Indian OIC
Midtown Phillips
Franklin Ave. Safety Center/MPD
Midtown Community Safety Center/MPD
Mt. Olive Jobs After School Program
Abbott Northwestern Hospital
Lake Street Council
Women of Nations
Mad Dads/Minneapolis Chapter
MPRB/Stewart Park
Welna Hardware
Dougherty-Thomson Funeral Home
PEACE Coffee
Northern Sun Merchandising